If you haven’t already, it is time to get yourself acquainted with the new social network called Privnote. It has been in beta for a few months and is now being released officially. If you are still not familiar with this new social network, it is basically a platform that allows users to create their own communities within the app. The idea behind this was to provide an alternative to Facebook and Twitter where privacy matters so much.
There are many reasons why you should be using this particular social network. One of which is how well it has managed to incorporate some of the best features from other apps into its own. Some of these include the ability to customize your profile with avatars or photo filters and also the ability to make a note about any topic you want to share as well as your thoughts and feelings on them. This makes it very easy for everyone who uses this social network to interact with one another.
However, there are several things about this social network that you should know before you decide whether or not to sign up. First off, it might seem like a lot of information at first glance but don’t worry, we will try our best to give you all the details you need.
What is Privnote?
First off, here is a brief description of what Privnote is and how it works. Basically, it is a social network that allows you to connect with people and share information on various topics. You can also create a community within the app if you choose to do so. However, you won’t have to worry about anyone outside of your community knowing anything about it because everything is kept private.
This means that no one will ever see anything you post unless they are part of your community. Also, the only way someone else will be able to find out about your community is if they are invited by you. In addition, the only people who will be able to view your posts are those who are part of your community. Lastly, you can share your posts with your friends and family members through email.
How does it work?
Now, let us take a look at how this social network works. After you create an account, you will be prompted to select a name and avatar. As far as avatars go, you will be able to upload photos or choose from preloaded ones. Once you have chosen your avatar, you will then be able to start posting messages. There are three different ways to post a message. The first method is to type it directly into the text box.
The second option is to simply hit the “Post” button to send your message to the rest of your followers. Finally, you can do both at once by hitting the button next to the text box. When you are done posting your message, you will be prompted to add a caption to your post. For every post you make, you will automatically receive a notification saying that you have made a post and also a link to your post.
Once you have posted a message, you will also be given options to either delete it or mark it read. Marked posts will remain visible until the owner chooses to make them un-visible. When you are finished reading your notifications, you can click the “More” button to view more posts from other users. You can also search for others within the app.
You can also browse through your feed to check out what types of posts other users are making. You will see a variety of content that range from funny memes to inspirational quotes to news articles. To filter your feed, you will have to click the “Filter Posts” button. Here you can choose to only see posts that contain certain tags such as #funny, #inspirational, or #news.
Finally, when you are ready to create a community within the app, you will be required to enter a unique URL for your community. A URL is similar to an address in real life. The address is something that points to a specific location. With a URL, you can point to your community anywhere online. And if you would like to invite people to join your community, you will be able to send emails to them.
Other Features
Apart from the aforementioned features, you will also be able to customize your profile. Your profile will consist of a number of sections, including a bio, interests, and a list of your favorite posts. You can also change your background image.
Another important feature on this social network is the ability to write down your thoughts and feelings on any topic. These notes are called Privacy Notes. They can be attached to any post and shared with anyone who wants to see them. Each note contains a title, a text area, and a tagline. When you are writing your notes, you will be provided with a prompt telling you to write about your thoughts and feelings on a certain subject.
For instance, if you were to write a note about being frustrated with work, you could say “I am frustrated with my job. I feel like I did everything right but nothing seems to be changing.” Then if you wanted to attach it to a post, you could just simply use the “Tag” icon and type in “job”. You can also attach multiple notes together by dragging and dropping them onto each other.
When you are done writing your notes, you can share them with your friends and family members via email. These notes cannot be deleted unlike the posts.
A person can make sure that the Privnote is an application that will provide him with the high level of the security. Also the quality of the privnotes are a must for the people. A person can check all the available options and then go for the one that will give the good results in the long run.
Overall, there are a lot of good things about this social network and it is definitely worth checking out. However, you will need to spend some time learning how to navigate this app and figure out how to use it effectively. Fortunately, they have included a user manual that explains everything you need to know.
As mentioned previously, the app is currently in beta. That means that there are still bugs and issues that need to be fixed. Therefore, don’t expect everything to be perfect. Nevertheless, the developers are working hard to fix these problems as soon as possible. So stay tuned!